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- Safeguarding
‘Safeguarding’ is defined in the Children Act 2004 as protecting from maltreatment; preventing impairment of mental and physical health and development; ensuring that children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care; and work in a way that gives the best life chances and transition to adult hood. Our safeguarding practice applies to every student.
At The Hurst School our primary concern is that students are able to learn in a safe and supportive environment. We also have a responsibility to ensure every young person has the right to be brought up in the same environment.
Everyone who is a part of the Hurst community is dedicated to safeguarding all members of that community: students, staff, parents, carers, governors, volunteers and visitors. At The Hurst School we follow a policy that is child-centred and which focuses on the prevention of and protection from harm. As in any community situations will arise when members require support and we encourage anyone in need of assistance to contact us. We will strive to signpost you to the best avenues of support in the local area and beyond.
We recognise that as a school where we see the students and meet families on a regular basis, we are well-placed to identify need, recognise abuse and act to safeguard young people in our care. Young people should feel safe in school, at home and in their community as only then can they flourish to their full potential.
To achieve this, we:
- foster a culture of openness and an environment where students and families feel listened to. Building strong relationships between students, families and the school to do so.
- review our Safeguarding and Child Protection policies on an annual basis. Both of these policies can be found on the school website. In addition the Safeguarding and Standards Governing committee works with the Designated Safeguarding Lead to ensure safeguarding practices at the school meet the highest standard.
- follow a comprehensive programme of staff training for both teaching and non-teaching staff to ensure all adults working or volunteering on school site have an up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding and child protection. This includes Designated Safeguard Lead training for multiple staff (see below).
- have a comprehensive Personal Development Learning programme which educates students on how to keep themselves safe in the real world and online. It also aims to build their confidence and resilience to enable them to support themselves and others.
- encourage all students to name three trusted adults to whom they can turn when they have a problem they wish to resolve.
- follow safer recruitment practices as outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Our Safeguarding Officers are: | |
Mrs S ConeleyAssistant Headteacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead sally.coneley@thehurst.school | Mrs D BrindleySafeguarding and Wellbeing Officer danielle.brindley@thehurst.school |
Mr S GreevesDeputy Safeguarding Lead/Head of Year 9 | Mr L SheppardDeputy Safeguarding Lead/Head of Year 10 leigh.sheppard@thehurst.school |
Miss S ConranDeputy Safeguarding Lead/Head of Year 11 | Miss L VeitchDeputy Safeguarding Lead/Head of Year 7 |
Mrs C GrahamDeputy Safeguarding Lead/Head of Year 8 | |