
Attendance Award Top 25% of all secondary schools in EnglandAt The Hurst School, we believe that regular attendance is one of the most important factors in your child’s success, both in their education and beyond, and we aspire for our students to have an attendance of 96% minimum. Indeed, a large number of our students achieve 100% attendance, and we are delighted to have been recognised with a National School Attendance Award for being in the top 25% of FFT secondary schools in England for attendance.

Attending school every day helps students stay on track academically, maintain friendships, and take full advantage of opportunities to reach their full potential.


Frequent absences can lead to students falling behind in their work, performing poorly in exams, and missing valuable social and educational experiences.

The below data illustrates how missing school affects academic learning and progress:

  • 100% attendance equates to 190 days of school attendance.
  • 95% attendance equates to 180 days of school attendance, which is10 lost days of learning per year. 50 hours of missed lesson time.
  • 90% attendance equates to 171 days of school attendance, which is 19 lost days of learning per year.
  • 80% attendance equates to 38 days of absence, which is the equivalent of one lost day of learning every week.

Data shows that if the level of attendance decreases, this can have a significant effect on yearly progress and particularly GCSE grades. For example, an attendance rate of 90% over the five years a child spends at secondary school would equate to half a year of missed learning time.

How we monitor attendance

We have detailed systems to ensure students maintain consistent attendance. Our approach involves collaboration between Tutors, Heads of Year, and a designated senior team member.

In line with legislation and Local Authority guidelines, we thoroughly investigate suspected cases of unauthorised absence and report findings to the appropriate authorities. Please refer to our Attendance Policy for more detailed information.

  • Illness Absences Only: Students should only miss school if they are genuinely unwell. Please click here to read guidance from the NHS and partners on whether a child should attend school.
  • If you feel your child is too unwell to attend, please call the School Reception (0118 981 7474), select option 3, and leave a message on the school answer phone before 8:30am. Alternatively email 
  • Exceptional Circumstances: Holiday or casual absences are not granted unless the Headteacher approves the request under exceptional circumstances.

We encourage parents to limit medical and dental appointments to outside school hours whenever possible.

Supporting Your Child

Our Pastoral Team is dedicated to helping every student succeed. They are available to offer guidance, support, and strategies to address attendance challenges, ensuring your child has the best possible chance to thrive at school. Please contact Reception if you would like to speak to a member of the Pastoral team about your child. 

Parents/carers also play a key role, in setting the standards and expectations for your child. This can involve a variety of things from creating a good morning routine, so that your child can arrive punctually, making sure they have all the necessary equipment with them, checking they understand their homework and supporting them with it, and attending school information evenings and parents’ evenings.