Monitoring and evaluation of teaching and learning



The monitoring and evaluation of teaching and learning is an integral part of ensuring high standards in performance across the school.

Monitoring Model

The annual model for this is outlined below:

  • Half-termly ‘drop ins’ by Middle Leaders and Senior Leaders - these may be led by departmental objectives, individual teacher’s objectives, or school-wide focus.
  • Departmental Reviews - these will be used to guide support and challenge to departments.
  • Observations - where appropriate, teaching staff may need more formalised observations to ensure that they are making progress in their own development.
  • Book Looks – these will take various forms, and be led by various staff, for example, Senior Leaders may conduct Book Looks to evaluate a cross section of the school community, or a specific department. Heads of Curriculum will regularly carry out Book Looks to quality assure the work of their teams. Heads of Year may conduct focused Book Looks evaluating the performance of groups of students.
  • Homework monitoring – on a termly basis, Heads of Curriculum will monitor and evaluate the extent to which their teams are fulfilling the expectations of the Homework Protocols.
  • Student Voice Activities - these will take various forms, and be led by various staff.

This model of monitoring will be quality assured in collaboration with HIAS and The Hurst School’s Leading and Learning Partner. As well as this, school governors will play a pivotal role in evaluating the school’s monitoring and evidencing of outcomes.