
The Hurst School library is a friendly and inviting place which welcomes all students.

We have a large range of fiction and non-fiction books as well as graphic novels, magazines and short stories. We also have a number of computers which can be used by students for studying and homework.

Students may borrow the books for up to two weeks but can renew them should they wish and is open at morning break and at lunchtime.

We run a programme in school called 'Accelerated Reader' to measure reading progress and to build our students love of reading. Accelerated Reader works by guiding students to books that are the right level of challenge for them; helping ensure they can comfortably access what they are reading independently, but also have room to grow and progress in their reading ability. To support students, we have Accelerated Reader lessons in the library, English sets homework for students to read each day and there is a drop everything and read session (DEAR) once per week.

Any ideas or suggestions for the library should be emailed to our school Librarian, Mrs Yalden, at: