The Hurst 286

Welcome to Miss Polly's Nursery

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OFSTED Inspection

Miss Polly's was visited by Ofsted on the 1st February 2024 and has been graded 'Good' overall. The inspection gradings covers four areas; the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management, and the nursery received a grading of 'Good' in all four areas.

Highlights from the report include the following:

  • ‘Staff ensure the curriculum is ambitious and sequenced effectively to support children to make good progress.’
  • Staff support children to follow their interests and provide activities that engage and excite them.’
  • ‘Support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is a strength at this setting.’

Please click below to read the latest Ofsted report.

Ofsted Report - February 2024


Thank you for the interest you have shown in Miss Polly's Nursery. We have designed this website to provide you with helpful information regarding the professional care we offer, but this does not replace the personal touch, which we value highly.

Miss Polly's Nursery offers full and part time professional care 51 weeks of the year. We are based at The Hurst School, serving both the local and surrounding community. The nursery has been established since 1990 and offers places for 52 children from 6 weeks to 5 years.

Our aims

To provide through play, a stimulating, well structured, safe, happy and supportive environment in which all children can develop to their full potential. The wide range of activities and experiences offered will enrich the overall development of each child.

We aim to provide love and security, enabling children to express their feelings and to cope with fears, anxieties and difficult experiences. We aim to encourage the development of self-confidence and self-esteem. These aims can only be realised with the full support of you the Parents, as we believe you are the prime educators of your children and we therefore need to work closely with you, welcoming you into the nursery at all times.

The Nursery Layout

The nursery has 3 rooms; Caterpillars, Butterflies and Ladybirds.

Caterpillars is for children aged 0-2, Butterflies is for children aged 2-3 and Ladybirds is for children from 3-5 years. 

We also have a fantastic enclosed garden, outside play area and woodland area.

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The children in Ladybirds also enjoy a weekly class 'Stretch and Grow', which is delivered by a qualified fitness teacher. The children are taught about how their bodies work, healthy living and eating. 


Miss Polly’s is staffed by a dedicated team of qualified, professional Nursery Assistants, offering high standards of childcare.

Staff regularly attend Continuing Professional Development courses to further their knowledge and understanding and allow them to specialise in areas of particular interest to them. All our staff hold First Aid and Food Hygiene certificates.  Miss Polly’s also provides regular in-house training for all staff.

Child to Staff Ratios 

1 : 3 for 0 – 2 year olds

1 : 5 for 2 – 3 year olds

1 : 8 for 3 – 5 year olds