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- Year 7 visit The Natural History and Science Museums
Year 7 visit The Natural History and Science Museums
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Last week over 200 of our Year 7 students were delighted to have the opportunity to visit both the Natural History Museum and Science Museum to explore the wonderful wealth of life on Earth, look at some of humankind’s most impressive achievements and see a fun science show! Split over two days, the students set off from school at 8:30am on two separate coaches and after getting to London, went off to their respective museums.
In the Science Museum, the students were lucky enough to watch a few fabulous experiments using light, matter and electricity, as well as some chemical demonstrations including manipulating fire. They were in awe! After, they were able to visit the Energy Hall, packed full of steam engines, and they learned about how steam propelled the British industry and technology. They also visited the Space Hall, which was home to a real Moon rock, along with satellites and Tim Peake’s spacecraft, which told the story of space exploration over the year. Students said it all “looked amazing”, and they especially loved being able to try on the real astronaut gloves!
The students in the Natural History Museum loved seeing all the fascinating attractions, including an amazing earthquake and volcano exhibit. They were able to examine fossils from a time when all Earth's continents were joined, and see the animals that evolved after the continents separated, alongside lava bombs, volcanic glass hair, and crystals created under intense pressure beneath Earth's surface. The dinosaur hall was packed full of skeletons and other prehistoric artefacts – they loved it and lots of photos were taken! They were also able to explore the gift shop and buy something to remind them of their amazing time there.
After a lunch in the picnic area of the Natural History Museum, the students swapped over so everybody got an opportunity to visit both of the spectacular places and experience the wonder for themselves. Head of Science, Mr Hayford, said “The students really enjoyed themselves and many came back buzzing with excitement and showing photos of the amazing things they had seen to their families. It may have been a tiring day for the students (and staff) but we had a wonderful time. It is brilliant to be able to enrich the curriculum and the life experiences of our students in such a memorable way. Thank you to all of the students and staff who came and made it such a fantastic experience.”
E Berry